Support Center

We're here to assist you and will respond promptly to your inquiries. Your satisfaction is very important to us!

Contact Support

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the typical delivery time for HarmonicFables products?

Our typical delivery time varies depending on your location. However, we strive to deliver your HarmonicFables products within 7-14 business days. You can track your order for real-time updates.

Do you ship internationally, and what are the shipping costs?

Yes, we offer international shipping to bring HarmonicFables' products worldwide. Shipping costs will be calculated at checkout, and we aim to provide affordable shipping options.

Can I return or exchange an item if I'm not satisfied?

Absolutely! We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If you're not, you can return or exchange items within our generous 14-day return policy. Visit our 'Return Policy' page for more details.

How can I contact HarmonicFables customer support?

We're here to assist you! Feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team at or (401) 648-8773. We're available during business hours to address your inquiries and provide support for any concerns you may have. Your satisfaction is our priority! Also feel free to use the contact box above.


  • +1 (401) 648-8773

  • Auburn, NY

Typically responds in 24 hours.

Our dedicated team is just a message away. Feel free to reach out for any assistance or inquiries. Your satisfaction is our top priority.